The Indonesia Cellular Show (ICS) 2010. ICS is one of the leading trade fair for mobile and Telecommunication industry in Indonesia. The event will attract many visitors from many different countries. The targeted visitors of ICS 2010 are public communities with estimated up to 275.000 visitors. This five days exhibition will be held on July 14th - 18th, 2010 at Main Lobby & Plenary Hall - Jakarta Convention Center.
It will be held simultaneously with Festival Komputer Indonesia 2009 (Hall A, B & Cendrawasih Hall). Both the exhibition are synergetic and had proved attract big numbers of visitors & media, it become the reference IT event for each industry.
July 14th - 18th, 2010
Main Lobby & Plenary Hall
Jakarta Convention Center
Weekday : Rp 5.000,-
Weekend : Rp 10.000,-
Time : 10.00 - 21.00 WIB
Supporting Program
- Temu Pelanggan Seluler (TPS) 2010 bersama KOMPAS (Invitation Only)
- Indonesia Cellular Award (ICA) 2010
- Miss ICS 2010
- Rocks! Band Competition
- Guitar Hero Competition by Hotgame
- Life Performance from Endah N Rhesa, Andre Harihandoyo & The Sonic People, Kahitna and NAIF
- And many moore
A range of sponsorship options is available to meet your corporate needs and ambitions. These options offer you a focused opportunity to showcase your service, technology and solutions to reach your prospective customers, as well as to gain international exposure.
Sponsorship Benefits :
1. Comprehensive marketing campaign highlighting your brand, both online and offline, to targeted audiences globally.
2. Excellent platform to access and evaluate prospective partners to form strategic alliances.
3. A highly conducive environment for high-quality lead generation amongst competitors and visitors.
4. Enhance your branding competitively throughout the supporting programs (seminar, closing ceremony, music festival and others).
For Further Information about sponsorship program, please contact :
Trisa / Febrina
IT Division PT. Dyandra Promosindo
The City Tower 7th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 81, Jakarta 10310 - Indonesia
source :
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