The Boxhead 2 punts are a fairly original series from zombie survival punts created issued in cheap and usable to play complimentary online at a lot of punting websites. Presently there are five punts in the serial with the last and most booming following Boxhead. The Zombie states of war. They were produced by Sean Cooper, released by Crazy Monkey punts and could be classified as 3rd human shooters or zombie endurances.
Age of War is an expectant complimentary online flash punt, which combines components of pillar defense and anti pillar defense games. Whenever you're sick of all the pillar defense punts which completely look alike, so this punt is since you! Incoming Age of War, you could construct your defenses from buying another turrets, and while you've no locate to put the gun turret to, purchasing additional gun turret spots. Concurrently, you could train your soldiery to assault your opposition.
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